CoP Meetings

Previous Gatherings

December, 2024


Professional Development:  Zebra Books on Bloom, Jeni Bister

Field Highlight:  Highlights on the Training and Advocacy work of Ignus Pahal, Dr. Deepti Srivastav

Thematic Discussion:  Preparing Curriculum to Teach L2, Dr. Patricia M Davis

September, 2024


Professional Development:  Big Busy Pictures, Mrs. Amitha Behera

Field Highlight:  An Analysis of Policy Development on Multilingual Education in India, Mrs. Upasana Lepcha

Field Highlight:   Update on the National MLE Network, Mr.Herald Rajan

Thematic Discussion:  Status of Research on MLE, Dr. Troy Bailey 

July 11, 2024


Professional Development:  Effectiveness of Smart Class in the primary schools -  Mrs. Shaila D'Souza

Field Highlight:  LLF’s MLE work in Rajasthan, Mr. Shubash Chandra

Thematic Discussion:  Advocacy for MLE in India, Dr. Pamela MacKenzie 

March 7, 2024


Field Highlight:  Impact of World Vision India’s Remedial Education (REC) Program at 9 Project Locations across India -   Simha Boneti 

Field HighlightServing the Madia Gond through Education at Lok Biradari School, Hemalkasa - Mrs. Samiksha Amte and Dr. Ruth Vaz

Thematic Topic:  Translanguaging Strategies for Multiple-Language Classrooms - Dr. Sangsok Son

Dec 7, 2023


Field Highlights:  राजकीय उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय मेंदिया डिंडोर, बांसवाड़ा (Community Libraries in Rajasthan) - Mr. Vijay Prakash Jain

Thematic Discussion:  Current Trends and Future Prospects of MLE to Achieve FLN in Assam - Mr. Prasun Goswami

Professional Development:  Outcome Harvesting - Mrs. Nancy Horo

Sept  14, 2023


Field Highlights:  Updates on the Asha Kiran Society MLE Program - Mr. Jayant K. Suna

Professional Development:  Strategies for Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms - T. Bailey, PhD

Thematic Discussion:  Progress on Collaboration for MLE in India - Dr. Karsten van Riezen and Mr. Herald Rajan

June 06, 2023


Field Highlights:  Updates on the Sadri MLE Program - Palash Nath, PhD

Thematic Discussion:  The Types and Aims of MLE - Mrs. Amitha Behara

Professional Development:  A Glimpse into Dual Language Immersion (DLI) - T. Bailey, PhD

March 15, 2023


Field Highlight:  

Professional Development:  Participatory Approaches to Engaging Communities (PMEC),  Mrs. Nancy Horo

December 6, 2022


Field Highlight:  Presentation on an MLE Teacher Training Curriculum for Assam, Dr. Palash Nath

Professional Development Theme:  Report on the recent Guwahati University MLE CourseDr. T. Bailey

September 20, 2022


Field Highlights:  

Professional Development Theme:  Children’s Mathematical Development - The Role of Language and the Impact on Literacy Skill Development,  Mrs. Nancy Horo

June 23, 2022


Professional Development ThemeThe importance of MT given to the NEP,  Mrs. Feba Jose

Field Highlight:   Supporting Language Learning and Teaching in Early Grades in Rajasthan (LLF team)

March 14, 2022


Professional Development ThemeQuality Education for a Better India

Panel Discussions with

* Mr. Binay Pattnayak

* Dr. Mahendra K. Mishra

* Dr. Karsten van Riezen